Tag Archives: blog

Maybe You Are Your Own Gym, But I Am Not


Tired Tom

Following on from Lisa’s YAYOG post, Myself and Malin decided to join her and get the ‘You Are Your Own Gym’ app and well, speaking for myself, it’s not for me . . . at present. By that, I mean, I’m not disciplined enough to exercise at home on my own. You all know what it’s like, I bet any one of us can look round our living rooms and spot at least one abandoned piece of ‘get fit’ equipment *pets Wii Fit Board sadly*

Where this app differs is that you don’t need any special DVD, Wii board or equipment. This, I like. The exercises are easy to follow, utilise handy household furniture, including doors, and it is a really good workout *rubs aching arms*, this I like too. My only problem with it is, it’s at home, on my own . . . I go running = time out of the house away from the children, I go to the gym = time out of the house away from the children, YAYOG = 3 year old behind me yelling ‘mum, mum, mum’, ‘can you get my juice?’, ‘take me up to my room’, ‘what you doing?’, ‘I can do it too!’ . . . and on and on and on and on. Also, a 6 month old craving attention, a bottle, a nappy change, lunch, a cuddle . . . and on and on and on.

To sum up, this app and/or workout is fantastic if you no longer have MiniBeasts at home . . . school age beasts are acceptable. Or you are able to stay awake at the end of a busy day, when the kids are all asleep . . . this I can not do. I’m hoping Malin finds it easier to fit in to her exercise routine, but for me, well, I’ll be asking to do more strength training at the gym instead of Cardio.

Let us know if you’ve tried this workout or any others you think we might like try using the #LittlerFairies tag on Twitter or commenting below.

You Are Your Own Gym


This morning on our run LFC (@LittleFairyCult) and I were chatting. Or so I thought, apparently LFC doesn’t listen too well when we’re running and seemingly didn’t hear a word I said. Maybe it’s because she got ‘in the zone’ and sprinted off, or maybe the wind rushing past her ears depleted all noise coming from my mouth, maybe it’s because we’re insane adrenaline junkies who get up and run at 6am. Anyway, I was rambling on about my previous session of ‘YAYOG’ or You Are Your Own Gym. I later received a tweet from her asking me what YAYOG was and told her that I’d previously explained, alas, she knew nothing and suggested I blog about it here, so you guys can get a little insight too.

First though, a little background as to why I’ve chosen YAYOG as my fitness routine. I’m using MFP (or My Fitness Pal for the acronym deficient) to track my calories/workouts etc. Unhappy being put on 1200 calories a day I started to search for alternatives when I found the Road Map. Basically here’s how it works (I will go into this more on a later blog, but for now a little overview, since this post is for YAYOG), most people cannot sufficiently fuel their bodies on 1200 calories a day, and burn 200-500 through exercise. You need fuel, otherwise your body converts the easiest available resource into energy, that resource is – muscle! This is bad, muscle burns more calories than fat, so what do we need more of? Yup, muscle. How can we do this while trying to lose weight? By feeding our bodies what it needs to survive, plus a little bit more for building muscles. At the same time we need to build those muscles through strength training. Which brings me to YAYOG.

You Are Your Own Gym is a bodyweight exercise programme. I can’t afford to join a gym to do a training programme such as Strong Lifts 5×5 (which is one of the programmes recommended by the Road Map), so I asked for an alternative and was pointed in the direction of YAYOG. It’s a book (or The Bible of Bodyweight Exercises). And an App. These are the only tools you needs. In fact you don’t really need both, one or the other will suffice. But I like books, the developer of this programme and author of the book is Mark Lauren has written a really good build up with just the right amount of jargon for my brain to process.

Mark Lauren is a certified Military Physical Training Specialist, Special Operations Combat Controller, triathlete, and competitive Thai boxer. He has effectively prepared over 700 trainees for the extreme demands of the most elite levels of the Special Operations community. (Source 20.09.2012)

Sounds good right? He really knows what he’s doing. And it’s not hours and hours and in the gym. It’s all done at home, for 20-30 mins a day, 4-5 times a week. I can do that I thought. So I am. There’s 4 10 week programmes from Basic (for beginners, like me) to Chief (for the elite, not at all me). As advised by the Road Map I’m doing 3 sessions a week and just letting the programme last longer than 10 weeks, since I’m also doing C25K, and 6 x 30 mins workouts a week is plenty. I’ve also upped my calories since it’s a very active lifestyle, I’m not scared by the increase in calories, since those calories are going to help build my muscles, which will do what? Burn more calories. Hurrah!

Here’s a little overview of what I did yesterday. I have the You Are Your Own Gym iPhone App, it was a measly little £1.49, it helps me with times and reps.

The first couple of weeks are about building up Muscular Endurance. To do this you need high volume/low intensity, which means ‘ladders’ of a bodyweight exercise for 7.5 mins . Ladders work by doing one rep of a given exercise, followed by the same durations of time it took you to do that rep of rest, so it took 4 secs to do a push-up, you rest for 4 secs. Then you do 2 of them. It took 9 secs to do 2, so you rest for 9 secs, then increase to 3, then 4 and rinse and repeat, until you can’t complete a set. You got to 8? Well done, now go backwards, yup, back down the ladder, you now do 7 and rest for the length of time it took to do 7, then 6, all the way back down to 1. If you still have time left you go back up the ladder as far as you can until muscle failure and back down again, until you reach 7.5 mins. Then you rest. That’s right rest, twiddle your thumbs, do some knitting (I actually cooked tea during my rest phases), what ever until your next ladder. There are 4 ladders each day for these next 2 weeks. I managed to do 55 Classic Push-ups (semi-easy variation, with hands elevated), 43 Let Me Ins (moderate variation, which is the default), 51 Seated Dips (moderate variation, with knees bent) and 43 Let Me Ups (semi-easy variation, with knees bent, feet on the floor). It was a mixed work out that consisted of push and pull exercises and work all these muscle groups:

  • Pectorals
  • Shoulders
  • Triceps
  • Deltiods
  • Lats
  • Biceps and
  • Forearms

The app restricts your ladders to 4 steps up and then back down again, I searched for an answer as to why this is, since I thought you should go as high up the ladder as you can, but Mark and the developers of the app came to the decision that we’d tire ourselves out trying to go to far, fine by me. It wasn’t easy, but building strength and muscle isn’t supposed to be.

I hope I can keep it up. I’ve never completed any fitness regime to the end. I’ve started C25K 4 times and never made it past week 3. But I believe in this, I believe in the Road Map, MFP, C25K, my own determination and LFC’s motivation to make me a stronger, healthier, leaner person.

Let’s see if I’m still here in 10+ weeks!

Don’t forget you can follow myself, @ohmy_cupcakes, LFC, @LittleFairyCult and our other Littler Fairy, MalinVK, @MalinVK, over on Twitter using the hashtag #LittlerFairies.

PinFairies Projects


Let’s kick the first project off . . . head on over to our Definitely Need To Make board and either leave a comment or Tweet using the hashtag #PinFairies with which project you would like to make, feel free to suggest pins for us to add to our board too.

After a few days we will post which pin we’ll be making and hoping that you all join in. Please email photos of completed projects to sandra@littlefairycult.co.uk to be included in a follow up post about how amazingly great your projects turned out.

angrybirds babyslippers

Slimmer of the Week #LittlerFairies


Only a day late with this update. Sorry.

Yesterday was my third weigh in and I managed a weight loss of 3.5lbs. That’s a whole 9.5lbs weight loss in 3 weeks. *feels good* And I got Slimmer of the Week *shiny certificate, shiny, shiny sticker* which also meant that I won this week’s basket of fruit that we attendees add our piece of fruit to.

This week’s #LittlerFairies combined weight-loss is 7lbs between the three of us that have weighed in.

I celebrated my weight-loss last night by drinking wine *yes, I do enjoy drinking* and eating the Creme Egg that we were given at the meeting. How evil is that? I’m attending to lose weight and you go and give me a sugary treat like that? Do you expect me to eat it or just look at it? In my opinion as it was a free Creme Egg, that means it has no calories, right? Like the free packet of biscuits in Buy One Get One Free offers, they don’t contain calories, right? And eating food off someone else’s plate, that’s all calorie free too, right?

208332_10150228242202565_272500357564_8732482_7695865_n I think I managed my weight–loss this week by being too busy working in my workroom to snack on unhealthy foods and calorific chocolate bars. Also, because I knew I’d had a really naughty day on Wednesday so that made me even more determined to be good and stay on plan for the rest of the week *click the image to be taken to my online store*

This week, I intend to try and lose at least 2lb, I don’t usually put how much I want to lose in a week, but I need something to spur me into action.  After last night’s binge I intend to be angelic again . . . though I will have to treat myself to an ice-cream as I’m taking the kids to the beach today. This will be balanced out by all the walking I will be doing *in my head that works out*. I also need to get my act together and get started on doing some exercising. First up, putting my trimming boxes up in the loft so that I can actually get back on my poledancing pole. I may even invest in the Zumba Wii game, I may even play it to.  burlesque_240909

I Am Less Unskinny


Hooray! Today was my first proper weigh in and I lost 4.5lbs. So, pretty much on target for the first weight loss goal I set myself. So far the #LittlerFairies total weight loss is 11lbs for this first week. That’s pretty good going for the three of us that have shared our weight loss.

Domestic Goodess Obviously my domestic goddess skills have been working this week. Serving up yummy food for the whole family and managing to lose weight at the same time. I thoroughly intended to celebrate this weight loss with a bottle of wine tonight. You know, you get weighed, you lose some weight, you go treat yourself to a bar of chocolate, a cake, maybe two cakes, a takeaway for tea and a few relaxing drinks . . . but it’s ok, because you lost a little bit of weight this week. Right? Right? Well, the thought of actually fitting back into my slinky clothes stopped me in my quest to put the whole 4.5lbs back on in one evening, so I treat myself to Scampi and Actifry chips and a couple of biscuits. How totally exciting! It worked though, I feel good that I haven’t slipped too far off the weight loss path and I now have a nice bottle of wine to share with my Husband at the weekend.

fat-scale2 And now a scale tale from our meeting! How many of you will own up to doing this? I used to until I got super new digital scales . . . You jump on your set of scales and it says you’ve put 2lb on, you get off and then get back on again. Those darn scales still say you’ve put 2lb on. In disbelief you move the scales to a different patch of floor and get on them again. They tell you that you’ve put on 1.5lbs, well that’s a bit better but you don’t think it can be right so you move the scales again. This time they say you’ve only put 1lb on, that’s much better, a lot more acceptable.

How many of us would move the scales if they said we’d lost only 1lb? I certainly wouldn’t be moving my scales about the bathroom to try and get a better weight loss reading, I’d just accept that I’d lost 1lb. Guess it’s time I accepted that my scales will always tell me what I don’t want to hear if I don’t eat sensibly and healthily.

Potato and Fennel Soup 31/03/2011


This morning I decided to be all domestic goddessie and make some potato and fennel soup. It was very nomtastic so I thought I’d share it with all you Littler Fairies

pin up cooking 

You will need:

1 head of fennel

1 litre/just under 2 pints of vegetable stock

454g/1lb potatoes, cubed *or just chop them real small*

4 sticks of celery, chopped

1 large onion *or two small ones*

freshly chopped parsley *I used dried parsley*


How it is done:

It says here that you need to steam the fennel for 25 minutes! *stares blankly on cooking instructions* I just chopped it up and put it in my pan with the stock. I then added my potatoes, celery and onion to the pot and left it to simmer for about 50 minutes. When it was cooked I added some parsley and then used my hand blender to process it.  And . . .  viola, yummy Potato and Fennel soup.

* This recipe makes 4 servings but is freezer friendly so you could whip up a massive batch and freeze some.

* If you’re following the Slimming World diet this is Free on Green Days and Extra Easy Days, so you can have as much as you like

I Used To Be Fat


I WANT TO LOSE WEIGHT! Trouble is, I like food, I like cooking and I like baking . . . yes, I also like the odd glass, er bottle of wine too.

I SHOULD EXERCISE! But I walk everywhere, surely that’s enough? By ‘everywhere’ I mean I do the school runs. It’s ok though because I have a Wii Balance board . . . ok, it hasn’t had any batteries in it for, say 6 months. Not a problem, I have a Pole Dancing pole, with it’s own room . . . ok, the room is still full of Halloween and Christmas trimming boxes. *Note: that is not my fault, as only husbands put things in the loft. It’s a man’s job* You get the idea! I’m sure I’m not alone in finding a million and one excuses not to diet or exercise. I even downloaded a calorie counting app for my iPhone, I used it for a whole week then got bored of filling it in.

So now my sylph-like fairiness is more like this.


*cue a friend popping in for a cuppa* My friend has never really seemed to be bothered by her weight and is lovely, but, well, I am . . . I’m the largest I have ever been (non-pregnant) and it makes me feel uncomfortable with myself. She, of course, noticed that I am not a happy bunny and decides to broach the subject of joining a Fat Loss club. I am all for the idea, I need to lose weight, she wants to lose weight, it means we get to spend once a week together = Fantastic idea. So, we arranged to go to a Slimming World meeting the next day.  I’ve done Slimming World before, I lost 2stone 7lbs after having my son 2 years ago.

First Weigh In

The night before the meeting I sat and planned my meals for the week and then did my shopping online to ensure I didn’t go wandering the aisles popping biscuits and cakes into my trolley.  I even wrote a list of goals. Mainly these are weight loss milestones but I do intend to treat myself to a couple of new tattoos and a funky new haircut. When we finally made it to meeting, even though my friend tried her hardest to get me to give in and go for a cooked breakfast, it felt great to be there. I’d missed the friendly atmosphere. After the meeting the newbies got weighed *Yay* I was pleasantly surprised that I’d only put on 10lb since my last Slimming World weigh in back in September ‘09. So there’s my first goal, losing the 10lb I’ve put on since my last foray into the world of Fat Clubs.

Another friend of mine also wants to join in with this journey and we’ll be using the Twitter hashtag #LittlerFairies to update our weight loss and keep each other motivated. Fancy joining us in becoming Littler Fairies?
